Natalie Webster, DO

Family Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology

Practices In: South Bend
Patients Seen: All Ages

My name is Natal­ie, and I grew up in a small town in Indi­ana. From a young age, I always knew I want­ed to make a dif­fer­ence in wom­en’s lives, and I owe this call­ing to my mom. She went through the chal­leng­ing jour­ney of infer­til­i­ty and often spoke high­ly of the incred­i­ble physi­cians who helped her ful­fill her dream of hav­ing a family.

Dur­ing my under­grad­u­ate years at Ball State Uni­ver­si­ty, I embarked on trans­for­ma­tive med­ical mis­sion trips to Ecuador. These expe­ri­ences allowed me to work with a diverse range of patients, espe­cial­ly those with lim­it­ed access to resources. It was dur­ing these trips that I dis­cov­ered my pas­sion for build­ing mean­ing­ful rela­tion­ships with indi­vid­u­als of all age groups. How­ev­er, my heart is par­tic­u­lar­ly drawn to sup­port­ing women and chil­dren, and my ulti­mate joy is in deliv­er­ing babies.

What’s most impor­tant to me as a health­care provider is meet­ing patients where they are. I am deeply com­mit­ted to deliv­er­ing excel­lent care with­out judg­ment and help­ing indi­vid­u­als achieve their unique goals. My doors are open to all patients, and I am here to be your part­ner on your health­care journey.

Board Certifications
Family Medicine
Clinical Interests

I am pas­sion­ate about wom­en’s health, includ­ing full-spec­trum obstet­rics. I have com­plet­ed an obstet­ric fel­low­ship, which pro­vid­ed me with addi­tion­al train­ing in high-risk obstet­rics, obstet­ri­cal surgery, mater­nal-fetal med­i­cine, ultra­sonog­ra­phy, and wom­en’s health. I chose fam­i­ly med­i­cine because I love see­ing chil­dren and fam­i­lies. There is noth­ing more reward­ing than walk­ing a woman through her preg­nan­cy, deliv­er­ing her baby, and then car­ing for her and her baby afterward.

Personal Interests

I enjoy spend­ing time with fam­i­ly and friends, trav­el­ing, lov­ing my dog, cro­chet­ing and all things crafty, watch­ing movies, and spend­ing time out­side, espe­cial­ly in the sum­mer on the lake.

American Academy of Family Physicians American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecology
Memorial Hospital
615 N Michigan St South Bend,, Indiana 46601 574-647-1000 Get Directions
Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center
5215 Holy Cross Parkway Mishawaka, Indiana 46545 574-335-5000 Get Directions
Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine Graduation Date: 2019 Degree: DO
Memorial Hospital
Provider’s Research
You Need Your Pap: A Quality Project to Increase Pap Completion Rates in a Large Public Hospital System
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